An effective transition feeding plan with good transition mineral supplementation can help avoid metabolic disease (like ketosis or milk fever), increase spring milk production and improve the reproductive performance of Springer cows.
Set up a good feed plan for transition cows
Transitioning a cow is putting in place a feeding system designed to get the entire digestive and hormonal system prepared for the rigours of calving and lactation.
A well-transitioned rumen will ensure the cow is able to better digest the increased feed needed at this critical time, and convert this more efficiently to energy. A well primed digestive system will absorb more nutrients from the feed. And at the same time, priming the hormonal system will ensure that important nutrients are in good supply.
Benefits of transitioning well:
Customise your transition plan to what your animals need
The challenge is to identify the correct combination of minerals required to balance the specific diet nutrient levels of the animal. These minerals also need to be in the correct form to match the feeding systems being used on the farm.
The transition mineral support needed will be different on each farm. For best results the feed ratio, feed nutrient composition and animal condition all must be considered when formulating the correct blend.
This blend may need to change for different groups of cattle entering the mob on the same farm, and as feed levels and ratios change as the season progresses.
To balance your herd’s diet during this key time talk to your vet, or the Agvance team, about supplementing with a Transition Mineral Premix . In addition to fully customised options, Agvance works with your vet to provide targeted, standard transition premix options. Ideal for Springer Cow health.
Find out more by talking to your vet or the Agvance team today. Ready to reorder? Now you can re-order your products online too – it’s a fast and easy process. Just register, and get started.
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