Premium Transition Premixes

Transitioning well delivers results.

Correctly transitioning a dairy cow will ensure both a better functioning rumen and higher levels of available energy in early lactation. Levels of calcium are more effectively maintained and mobilised within the body. These factors combine to reduce the incidence of almost every animal disease experienced in early lactation, right through to better levels of conception later in the spring.

Agvance’s anionic salt (negative DCAD) Transition Premixes ensure the causes of metabolic disease in springer cows are addressed before they occur. Our Transition Premixes:

  • Support rumen function and higher levels of available energy in early lactation.
  • Provide ideal ratios of calcium, magnesium, chloride, and sulfur, along with key trace elements to the diet.
  • Deliver mineral salts in negative DCAD form.


Ruminant Nutritionist Shaun Balemi discusses transitioning well. This video is the first in a series on this key topic, available on the Agvance Facebook page and on our Videos page.

Achieve optimum mineral levels at this critical time of transitioning when the cow’s requirements for them are high.

For further information on standard options available download a Springer Transition Mix brochure depending on your location.

Find out more by talking to your vet or the Agvance team today. Ready to reorder? Now you can re-order your products online too – it’s a fast and easy process. Just register, and get started.
