
Post-calving recovery is extremely important and we need to ensure our cows are transitioning smoothly from giving birth into milk production. Providing the right nutritional support through various vitamin and mineral supplements can boost their recovery and overall health.

Post-calving recovery – trace minerals and vitamins

Trace minerals and vitamins help to maintain a cow’s immune function, liver health, and overall metabolic balance post-calving. The following trace minerals are tools for successful recovery:

  • Selenium: Supports antioxidant functions, liver health, and iodine metabolism. For maximum benefit, supplement with 6mg of rumen-protected selenium and 2-4mg of selenate forms per cow daily.
  • Zinc: Important for immune system function and acts as an antioxidant. We recommend a mix of 200mg of glycinate and 600-800mg of sulphate forms.
  • Copper: Contributes to antioxidant activity and immune support. A dose of 125mg in glycinate form normally covers requirements.
  • Manganese: Supports liver function and immunity, with a daily supplement of 200-400mg in sulphate forms.
  • Cobalt: Stimulates appetite and metabolism, with a dose of 6-12mg in sulphate form.
  • Chromium: Improves insulin sensitivity, assisting cows in transitioning from fat mobilisation. A daily supplement of 7-9mg in propionate form is ideal.
  • Boron: Enhances calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus absorption, supporting glucogenesis. We recommend a dose of 80-120mg in disodium octaborate form.
  • Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that works with selenium to reduce inflammation. Daily doses range between 500-2000mg/IU.
  • Biotin: Helps increase insulin production and drives glucogenesis. Rumen soluble forms of this vitamin are largely degraded in the rumen, so we recommend 10-20mg of rumen-protected biotin daily.


Post-calving recovery – macro minerals

Macro minerals are important in supporting energy metabolism, muscle function, and milk production:

  • Calcium: Key for metabolic function and milk production. Supplement with 50gm Calsea and 70gm limeprill in-shed, or 200-400gm limeflour via dus7ng.
  • Magnesium: Supports rumen fermentation and enzyme activity. Recommended doses are 40-50gm MgO in-shed or 80-150gm MgO via dusting.
  • Phosphorus: Essential for energy and protein metabolism, with in-shed supplementation of 35-55gm MCP or 20gm free-choice or water soluble options like SoluPhos.
  • Salt: Helps with water regulation, nerve function, and potassium balance. Provide 20-50gm salt in- shed or free-choice in paddock exit races.

Rumen buffer: Calsea

Calsea is an effective rumen buffer that stabilises rumen pH and supplies calcium to cows. It helps mitigate the effects of diet change, stress, and inflammation on rumen efficiency. A daily blend of 50-100gm as part of a negative DCAD blend pre-calving transition, and similar rates as a key part of a post-calving blend. This is especially effective in lessening the risk of subclinical metabolic diseases.

DCAD salts

DCAD salts fed during the pre-calving transition are particularly helpful in improving rumination and immune system recovery post-calving. They work by promoting rumen papillae development while stimulating parathyroid hormone release and improving calcium absorption during the pre-calving period.


Betaine is a liver-cleansing compound that drives glucogenesis and improves appetite. It helps minimise condition loss in cows post-calving, particularly those that were over-conditioned or experienced ketosis pre-calving. Provide 10-15gm during transition and 15-30gm during the milking phase.

Bypass fats

Bypass fats, particularly palmitic (C16) and oleic (C18:1) acid combinations, show great promise in post-calving recovery. Research indicates that adjusting the ratio of these fats in a cow’s diet improves energy balance, helping fresh cows transition more efficiently into lactation.

Providing cows with a balanced supplementation programme during the post-calving phase is vital for recovery, production, and long-term health. Using a combination of trace minerals, vitamins, macro minerals, buffers like Calsea, DCAD salts, Betaine, and bypass fats can significantly reduce the risk of metabolic diseases, improve rumen function, and support overall recovery.

