Solutrace Metabolizer Plus with Rumenox

Solutrace Metabolizer Plus with Rumenox for a wider range of more highly concentrated minerals for your dairy cows

Agvance uses the highest quality genuine Copper and Zinc mineral chelates in their blends.

  • Zinc Glycinate
  • Mineral complexed to more than 95%, guaranteed
  • Aids healthy connective tissue, reproduction and immunity
  • Limits damage by oxidation Copper Glycinate
  • Mineral complexed to more than 93% and highly soluble in water
  • Aids elastin formation, healthier immune systems and protection against oxidation
  • Pigmentation (melanin synthesis)
  • Important for overall bone health
  • Higher levels of mineral in organic form
  • Superior availability
  • Easy to use

Solutrace Metaboliser Plus with Rumenox provides more than just the basics for all year round

Rumenox is a rumen modifier that provides more energy to dairy cows. This energy response is equivalent to feeding an extra 0.5kg to 1.0kg of dry matter. Its mode of action is clearly understood and there is a wealth of research on this technology both internationally and in New Zealand pasture systems.


Rumenox is an effective bloat control strategy.

Years of observational evidence strongly suggest that Rumenox outperforms bloat detergents when relying on water medication for controlling bloat. Over 90% of farmers use Rumenox for bloat challenges a combination of the two is recommended as they have unique modes of action.

Cow condition.

Introducing your cows to Rumenox allows them to digest their feed more efficiently. Individual cows then determine where this energy is partitioned depending on their requirements at the time. There is significant evidence in NZ pasture-based systems of this effect. New Zealand trials using this technology have shown a 20kg improvement in live weight, equivalent to half a body condition score, from calving through to mating.


Ketosis Prevention

Subclinical ketosis is an energy-robbing disease that has been associated with increased endometritis and a decreased 6-week in-calf rate. The cost per cow across a whole herd when the average incidence is calculated is $24.

Rumenox significantly reduces the incidence of subclinical ketosis in dairy cows by making more energy available and reducing blood ketone levels, this effect has been shown in a number of NZ studies.

For optimum results, Rumenox should be introduced pre-calving, or if not practical it should be administered into the stock water as soon as the dairy herd return to the milking platform in early spring.


  • Superior animal health
  • Maintains condition
  • Better conception
  • High in organic copper
  • Optimal immunity

 Find out more by talking to your vet or the Agvance team today. Ready to reorder? Now you can re-order your products online too – it’s a fast and easy process. Just register, and get started.





