
Premium Milkers Premix plus Zinc

Agvance’s Premium Milkers Premix with Zinc delivers a comprehensive mineral formulation rich in calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous, with the required levels of zinc to guard against facial eczema while supporting New Zealand’s dairy cows through the lactation period.

Scientifically-proven benefits:

  • Designed for use over the summer months
  • Optimal levels of zinc guard against facial eczema
  • Provides positive DCAD minerals crucial for lactation support
  • Safeguard’s rumen function to maximise production
  • Important mineral balance when feeding maize
  • High-quality macro minerals for peak milk production
  • Boosts animal health and immunity
  • Easy to use and cost-effective

Talk to your local Agvance Consultant

With the risk of facial eczema affecting the majority of New Zealand’s dairy cow population, Agvance has formulated a scientifically-proven mineral supplementation to not only support dairy cows throughout lactation but to guard against facial eczema as well.

Premium Milkers Premix with Zinc is the ultimate solution, delivering a comprehensive mineral formulation rich in calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous to support cows throughout their lactation period, with optimal levels of zinc to mitigate the effects of facial eczema. This becomes even more critical when cows are consuming supplementary feeds such as maize.

Safeguard rumen function, prevent facial eczema, and maximize production

Agvance Premium Milkers Premix with Zinc is specifically formulated with positive DCAD minerals to promote optimal rumen function, and required levels of zinc to guard against facial eczema. These work together to support your milking cows to achieve their peak production and performance potential throughout the hotter months.

Comprehensive mineral formulation

This scientifically backed mineral supplement contains an optimal blend of macro and trace minerals, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and zinc. These nutrients are carefully balanced to meet the specific requirements of lactating cows, supporting their overall health and immunity.

Supplementary feed support

When cows are consuming supplementary feed, such as maize, the demand for key nutrients intensifies. Premium Milkers Premix with Zinc bridges the nutritional gap, providing the necessary minerals that may be lacking in supplementary feed, ensuring cows receive a balanced diet.

Unlock the full potential of your dairy herd

Agvance Premium Milkers Premix with Zinc is the key to unlocking peak milk production while guarding against facial eczema, with its comprehensive mineral formulation. This premix assists in healthy rumen function to improve production and overall cow health. 

Get in touch today for specific advice or to order:

Call 0800 BALANCE, contact your local Agvance consultant directly or login to your Agvance account.



